Sunday, 10 May 2009

Are we cool?

These are my new sunglasses. You know, the ones I bought with my first writing cheque. (And oh yes, a little birthday money left over from February - but I prefer to think that I bought them myself with the fruits of my own labours rather than consider the fact that they actually cost twice the amount I earned...)

I love them. They make me feel 'cool'. Which doesn't happen often, since mostly I feel decidedly uncool and more than a little bit frumpy - and also because, in the previous sunnies I owned, I always thought I looked rather like a fly. They might have been fashionable, but looking like a fly is never cool.

They also afford me a certain amount of anonymity, which is why I briefly considered putting them on in church this morning when Boy #2 chose the quietest moment in the service (which is not actually that quiet, thanks to various screaming babies, unruly children - ahem - and chattering adults who should know better) to say, at the top of his voice "Mama. I'm bored. Is it time to go home yet?"
(He might have a point, but a touch more discretion would be nice...)


  1. With luck, the priest will see that as a call to speed up the sermon in future.... ~x~

  2. Yep, the glasses would have been useful.

  3. Maybe it would be a good idea not to let small children sit through the whole sermon. It does sound like cruel and unusual punishment. He may come to hate church. Don't they have a children's hour or so, where they are taught biblical stories in a fun way?

  4. Lurve that! My mother refused to go to church with children under 6 for that very reason!

  5. SCL,thanks for the comment and I hope you forgive the abbrev. Sadly, this was not during the sermon...

    SPD, I had them. I just didn't have the nerve to put them on...

    Irene, it wasn't actually during the sermon but the Eucharist. And he had already been in the children's liturgy session...

    EPM, your mother sounds a VERY sensible woman.

  6. Great sunglasses. Great comment from the boy.

  7. Haa! You have embarrassing moments in church too? Oh, good. I'm not alone!

  8. Iota, was glad I was wearing them this afternoon; Boy #2 celebrated his newfound potty skills by dropping his trousers and weeing standing up in the middle of our garden square. Delightful. Being a sunny day there were plenty of our neighbours there too...

    Lisa, you are SO not alone!

  9. Hee hee. Smart to wear the glasses to church. Perhaps no one recognized you, kind of like Clark Kent?
    Cute blog!

  10. Hi MM, thanks for commenting, and I think it's a vain hope to imagine no-one recognised me. But let's just pretend they didn't, anyway...

  11. now am agog to know what the writing is! Tell us more, PM! With your son and sitting through sermons, the more patronising the more the time drags.
    oh, and by the way, am putting up a thing thanking you for the award on my blog tomorrow x


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