Wednesday 8 July 2009

Does anyone here speak Pre-Schooler?

The following conversation took place as I cajoled Boy #2 out of the bath yesterday...

Me: "Come on, Boy #2. Time to get out."

Boy #2: "But... but.... I am BUSY!"

Me: "Oh yes? What are you doing?"

Boy #2: "I am cleaning the biscuit house."

Me: "Really?"

Boy #2: "Yes. And it is very difficult... Because it is very messy... Because the biscuit man is nooooot helping."

Me: "Right."

Boy #2: "And the dog is not helping, either. But I am doing a good job..."

I don't doubt it. Or, I wouldn't, if I knew what the hell he was talking about.


  1. See how we like to confuse them into agreement? Well maybe, just maybe, they deploy a similar tactic for our delay.

    There's no maybe about it actually.

  2. I might try that tactic the next time my boss asks me what I've been doing at my desk all day...

    cleaning the biscuit house of course!

  3. SPD, are you saying it's a conspiracy???? I knew it! They're all ganging up on us, swapping tips at nursery and school...

    Mud, what do you reckon; could we start a new trend with this expression? Tell you what, why don't we both start using it (the original meaning can be: I'm doing something and nothing...), and let's see how long it takes to come back to us in conversation.

  4. I'll try starting up the trend in Holland, but will I do it in Dutch or in English?

  5. Hello Potty,
    I hope you don't mind, but I just spoke with my friend Nicola. She mentioned getting in touch with you. I'm in London too, but I have a girl, sorry no boys. It would be great to be included when you meet up.
    Hope all is well.

  6. I know...what the heck? Jonathan doesn't do this much to me yet, but my nieces do it all the time.I have no earthly idea what they are talking about most of the time. Oh well. Someday we'll wish we didn't know what they were talking about, right?

  7. Irene, fantastic! But I'm not sure on the Dutch or English version... Does it work in Dutch? If yes, why not?

    Jo, that would be great, absolutely. Unfortunately I don't have an e-mail for either of you so I guess you'll have to contact me on the one on my profile. Looking forward to hearing from you!

    Lisa, yes, we absolutely will. In fact I often wish that already, for example in conversation with Boy #1 yesterday about vegetarianism... (think I should probably save that one for a proper post, so watch this space...)

  8. I don't like the idea of a biscuit man in the bath. Wouldn't he have gone all soggy?

  9. Iota, that explains why he wasn't helping. Of course! (Why didn't I think of that?)

  10. You spend all that time teaching them how to talk and then they confuse you with their jedi mind tricks!

    I try and join in with my nephew when he is having one of these conversations but when I say something he looks at me like I am stupid and shakes his head in a very weary manner. Like "Who does this person think she is, she is talking rubbish"!

  11. looking at it from the other side, my kids probably think i speak gibberish. especially if i use phrases like 'brush teeth', 'wear knickers' and 'stop screaming'.

  12. I'm afraid I cannot help. I was confronted with 'Raider, the Rescue Dog' who emerged from the bubbles at bath time last night thanks to my pre-schooler's crazed imaginings. Raider now has a theme tune and I have to pretend to be him. I've never even met him. Maybe I'll seek refuge in the biscuit house.

  13. Oh so is that what boys call it these days? Cleaning the biscuit house? Hmmmmm.

  14. I'd like a biscuit man with a never ending supply of chocolate chip cookies, hmmmm ;)

  15. DF, yes, I don't know where they learn that sake of the head but it's worryingly endemic!

    Grit, or 'Tidy your room', 'please come to the table', 'put on your shoes', oh the list is endless...

    HCM, thanks for commenting, and I think you'll find a number of us already hiding in the biscuit by the time you get there. There may also be a few nibbles on the walls, but that will definitely have nothing to do with me.

    MT, he's 3. THREE? What could you be suggesting...?

    Ooh, ooh, CB, could they be those soft and chewy ones? Please?


Go on - you know you want to...