Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Things my sons have said to me today...

Things my sons have said to me today...

1. Whilst walking home from school we passed three men clearly on the way back from the supermarket, carrying shopping bags and chatting amongst themselves. Boy #1 waited until they had walked past and then turned and said to me: "That's a tough-looking crew..."

2. On arriving back home, I asked Boy #2 what he would like for a snack; a banana, or a plum. He sighed heavily, and said "Surprise me..."

3. Boy #2, on discovering that the Lego of his dreams cost more money than he has in piggy bank: "Well, it's easy I guess. You just have to give me more pocket money..."


  1. Ha! I love all of these. My own son often says 'surprise me' when I'm offering him a snack. The fact that he could get off the sofa and get his own seems not to occur to him.

  2. I love the 'tough crew' comment...has he already developed sarcasm, or was he frightened by the shopping bags? The snack comment reminds me of Son #1 years ago, looking in vain for a (preferably, processed) snack in the pantry, and coming out disgustedly announcing, 'There's nothing in there but ingredients!'

  3. Classics! I love the sigh 'surprise me' but how clever to just be so matter of fact about pocket money...

  4. The snack response from the 7 y/o yesterday was "Well, I would tell you but we probably don't have it". Well then.

  5. Hilarious! Those are some choice phrases and if you don't mind I will have to borrow them! Maybe your kids should be screenwriters, they have really got a flair for the brilliant come-backs!

  6. Boy # 2 is especially good at one liners, isn't he? He'll be a stand up comic yet.

  7. Love it! Surprise me. What a cynic!

  8. Trish, cheeky little beggars, aren't they?

    MsC, oh that sounds so familiar!

    Michelle, the really scary thing is that he thought it would be that easy...

    EPM, what did we do to deserve these boys?

    ALW - watch this space; in around 13 years, I reckon...

    Mumofalltrades, thankyou

    Nora, I think he already is...

    I'msofancy; the worrying think is that I think he really expected me to (he still ended up with banana, though...)

  9. Brilliant!! Kids are great!! I can just hear the tone of the 'surprise me' x


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