Wednesday, 4 May 2011

The Gallery: April

This post is for The Gallery on Sticky Fingers. Click here to see all the other fabulous entries...

So, the prompt for this week's gallery is 'April'. Oh, how I would love to show you photographs of Union Jacks flying and street parties a-plenty. Sadly, I was in Moscow last week (and seldom have I felt further away from home), so I don't have any shots like that use. Instead, here are 3 photographs showing the beginning, middle, and end of April - Moscow styley.


  1. Wow, that looks really cold, but I guess there's a few flags flying. In fact when I was just in London yesterday it was sunny but cold, if that's any help. Everyone was wearing shorts and bare legs and were freezing!

  2. Wow. How very difficult to the April we experienced here in the UK.

  3. yes, I can imagine this was the worst April to be away from home.
    Striking pics though.
    My try is over at

  4. Cold, yes, but such a unique experience. If you had to miss the festivities, at least you had an interesting reason.

  5. Those are fab. I'm feeling rather nostalgic.

    Oddly I was in Moscow when last week's groom's mother died. It was a very odd experience, because of course it was all over the tv there too, but, as you say, very isolating and I felt very far from home. (They did have a little memorial thing in BHS though, which I still find (inappropriately) amusing).

  6. That's somewhere I would very much like to visit, I must admit. Unfortunate you can't get there by boat, given my aeroplane issues!

  7. ALW, actually it was quite warm when I took the last photo (relatively speaking, I suppose...)

    HC - don't I know it!

    MA, thanks. Will see you (metaphorically speaking) later!

    MsC, I guess so. (Droops sadly over computer...)

    PlanB, BHS, really? How very Moscow!

    Merry - but you CAN get there by bus and train. It just takes a while...

  8. I had to click on your post as the first photo, very small in Google reader, looked like a small white willy. How one can mistake a footprint for genitalia, I have no idea, but I must make an appointment for the optician asap!

  9. Quite a set of contrasts! Nice pics.

  10. Sorry to hear you were feeling so nostalgic, your photos are lovely but brrr - hope the warm weather comes soon


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