Sunday, 15 May 2011

Silent Sunday


  1. That looks so sad. Beautifully lit but so sad.

  2. What an amazing view if you were using it. But has it just been abandoned?

  3. I'm thinking you wanted to pretend you really were out running while on your treadmill?

  4. Fantastic! loving the irony here...;-)

  5. Makes me think of 'We're on a road to Nowhere' by the Talking Heads...

  6. Brilliant! what a lovely place to run!

  7. I'm thinking that must be an inspirational place to run :-)

  8. I hope that's not your treadmill out there. Some mad Russian woman that abandoned hers when she saw the futility of it?

  9. John, it is, isn't it? Poor treadmill, abandoned by a dustbin...

    RS, not mine - just something I came across on the walk to school!

    Mumofalltrades, perhaps someone did, but not sure where they connected it!

    Spud, that's why I took it - crazy, isn't it!

    MsC - perhaps I should have put that on as a soundtrack

    Emma, sadly I think it had just been dumped.

    Lulu, although there is a green wheely bin cunningly camoflagued next to it (how do you spell 'camolfage' anyway?)

    Nora, spot on I reckon!


Go on - you know you want to...

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