Wednesday, 19 May 2010

The Gallery, Week 12

OK, I know I said I would never do this (sorry Husband if you're reading but since my photo has already been out there in Red Magazine, I think not taking part in Tara's Gallery this week would be rather like locking the stable door after the horse has bolted...), but here I am. This is me, this morning.

I experimented with a few ways to take a self portrait without actually showing my face; I began with a blurred reflection in a window, and moved on to a shadow silhouette, but both of those seemed to give too many opportunities for people to draw their own conclusions about how I might view myself as both an expat and a trailing spouse. And since, by and large, that is not at all representative of my self-image, I decided to go instead for an image partially obscured by the flash.

Everything has a subtext of course, and now I come to think of it, this photo could also be said to have one; behind the bright light of the life I'm currently experiencing, it's just the same old me, in need of a haircut and wearing a blue t-shirt, a watch, and a smile.

Or, you could forget all that subtext crap and just see me, with a camera.


(Oh, and my light tan? All from the Moscow sunshine. Who would have thought it?)


  1. I know that trying to hide behind the camera trick too. ;0)
    Wish I could say it was tanning weather here.

  2. Very cool! I am impressed! ;)

  3. I found a way to not take a photo because everyone has been subjected to far too many pictures of me already...

    I like your take on the subject :)

  4. Ha ha! Got to try to maintain some intrigue! Pretty lady & no I wouldn't have thought the Moscow sunshine would be making tans at this time of year! Cx

  5. In this photo I completely see son number one - love the Muscovite tan xx

  6. bloody hell potty, look at that chiselled jawline - have you lost a lot ofweight or what? you look amazing even though the flash is dazzling - very blondie/parallel lines! xx

  7. Nova, thanks for commenting and yes I did hear that the weather back home is not quite as good as it might be...

    Karin - thankyou!

    Nicola, yep, looked at yours. Why didn't I think of that?

    Cheshire Mum, thankyou and yes, I really should start using more sun cream!

    BW, really? Son #1? (I thought more Son #2..) And yes, it's worth a visit here in the summer - but you knew that already!

    NM, did I ever tell you I love you? However, sadly no weight loss - I think it's just that thing where your fat redistributes itself further south (at least, going by the tightness of my waistbands, anyway!). Still love you though.

  8. I like it :) We had the Irish Summer here this morning. It lasted for all of 45 minutes.

  9. Oooh, here's a really weird thing. Really weird. I think you look a little bit like me. I don't know about real life, but in that photo you do (with my former hair...)

  10. Ooh you sneaky, hiding behind the flash!

    Cool picture though :)

  11. Great to put a face (well, almost though the blinding light) to the name. You have cheekbones to die for.

  12. it took me qujite a long time to decide wether or not I would cheat, or put my picture...I finally (almost) put my picture, and hubby didn't shout
    spaciba (didn't find the right alphabet on my computer)

  13. MD - reminds me of the old joke (which I have used on here before, so apologies); the British - and the Irish too, of course - like two days of the year. Christmas, and Summer...

    Iota, that IS weird... Will they be able to tell us apart in Pat Val's, do you think?

    Thansk Josie - and is your photo up yet?

    DB, loved your photos (you actually remind me very much of someone I used to work with). And as for the cheekbones - it's a trick of the light. You should try the flash shot sometime; I swear it works wonders!

    Sister3; I LOVED your photo. It looked so natural!

    Chelle, thanks for commenting and for being polite about the photo!

  14. Looking good Potty! Nice to see you (again!).. A tan? In Moscow? Who'd have thought eh?

    BM x

  15. You're looking good, PM, Moscow obviously suits you!

  16. I love seeing all these bloggers for real. Nice photo!

  17. We can still see you, and you're lovely!

    CJ xx

  18. I am really enjoying meeting everyone!

  19. Very cool shot! I did the same thing, trying to find a sneaky way to take a photo but not really showing my face and just gave up. But I'm really enjoying seeing everyone else and glad I took part.

  20. Thanks BM - and since everyone else seems to have no hang-up about it, I thought I should out myself too...

    NVG - I'm beginning to suspect that the mirror is one of those elongating ones...

    Mwa, really interesting, isn't it?

    CJ, you can still see me? I knew I should have left the overhead light off...

    Me too, MadHouse!

    Grit, no. I definitely look better by star light...

    Lorna, me too - suprisingly!

  21. great photo! I love the hair (and the tan).

  22. Bah, who needs a subtext?!

    I'm only just now getting round to visiting everyone! It was my first Gallery this week - sure picked a great one to start with!


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