Thursday, 11 February 2010

Unexpected boosts...

Don't get me wrong; I love my blog. It gets most of my creative attention, as soon as I've checked my e-mail it gets top billing whenever I switch on the computer (which is still going 'buzz buzz buzz' by the way, but I'm ignoring that until I get back to the UK in the next week or so. Just call me an ostrich) and it's far far cheaper than therapy.

But as you may already know, I write elsewhere as well. And thank god for it. Because on a day like today, when nothing seems to be going right and tetchy conversations that are unrepeatable on the blog (if I want to maintain a steady course in my marriage) are the order of the day, nothing lifts the spirits like checking elsewhere and finding that a piece I wrote a couple of months back and had forgotten all about, is now online.

And that, despite everything, it still manages to make me smile...


  1. Oh goodie! Glad something has cheered you up.

  2. That little twinkle at the end of a tunnel is always a welcome sight. Glad you saw one today.

  3. how to resist the computer at stupid o'clock? that, dear hamlet, is THE question. night after night i kick myself that i could have gone to bed earlier... but i never do!

    enjoying hearing about moscow btw.


Go on - you know you want to...

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