Sunday, 21 February 2010

British Mummy Blogger of the Week

We're back in England for the week - hurrah! I have a long list of things to do and buy, and whilst I won't go into that here I'm sure that you won't be at all surprised to learn that it includes purchasing large quantities of Green & Black's cocoa powder and chocolate bars.

Since arriving yesterday I've found myself noticing the weirdest things. How clean all the cars seem, for example. They're not, obviously - it just seems that way after being surrounded by their excessively mucky Moscow counterparts. And I'm surprisingly happy to see the rain. Now THAT's weird. And it will probably only last as long as the first time I go outside into it and my snow-proof, extremely-low-temperature-proof but in no-way waterproof Northface coat is soaked in two seconds flat...

I'm not sure how much time I'm going to have for blogging during the forthcoming whirlwind of catching up with friends and family, which is why I'm posting this week's British Mummy Blogger of the Week now. Deerbaby writes of herself:

I'm a mum of two - a girl of 2 and a boy of 10. I started this blog because I want to remember it all -"The rotten and the bliss."

And her most recent post where she draws a comparison between the conspiracy of silence regarding the changes that parents experience pre and post the arrival of their first child with the movie 'Fight Club' ('First rule;you do not talk about Fight Club. Second rule; you do not talk about Fight Club') contains one of the few useful hints about baby kit that I was given before Boy #1 arrived...

For the British Mummy Bloggers Ning, click here. (Note: It's called 'Mummy', but Dads can be members too).


  1. Thanks so much - you've made my day. Actually my week. I hope you have a fantastic week in dear old Blighty catching up on friends, family and treats to remind you of home. Thanks again.

  2. Please to have you back, if only for a few days. X

  3. Great choice!

    Enjoying the balmy weather?

    Don't forget the hob nobs.

  4. She's great - excellent choice!

    Have a lovely week back in the UK. I'm jealous. x


Go on - you know you want to...

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