Saturday, 2 April 2011

First grey hairs, then this...

How do you know when Middle Age is upon you?

There are many answers to that question (most of them - for women, anyway - related to corrective underwear and the use of moisturiser), but here's another.

You're with friends at a gig, and the lead singer kneels on stage for a moment, stands up again and notices he has chewing gum stuck to his trousers. He curses prodigiously, asking 'Who threw the fxcking gum on the stage?'

It is at this point that middle age hits. What do you shout back? Something cool, witty, or hip? Or:

"You want to put those trousers in the freezer mate - that'll get the gum out for you!"

Please note: this happened to someone else. No, really. Me? At a gig? With a haaaaandbaaag?


  1. ha ha love it! And very good advice I must add

  2. EB, it is - but how sad that we both know that!

  3. I think we can safely assert from this that the lead singer was pretty middle aged too.......??
    I can't really hear Justin Bieber saying that..

  4. Hilarious. Yep, a pretty good sign that it is upon us. BTW, I went to a gig about two years ago and was told by my music native friend that gig is no longer the word. No, apparently we should refer to them as shows. Well, to me show means something else entirely and I'm not sure I want to think of mucas plugs every time I go to a gig. I mean show.

  5. Very funny... and Knackered Mother, I hadn't though of that at ALL. Until now that is... shows will never be the same again :)

  6. I was buying a pair of Sofft shoes the other day and thought to myself - wow, this is getting dangerously middle aged, but then, what else is 38??!! I think I'm in denial....


Go on - you know you want to...

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