Sunday, 4 July 2010

British Mummy Blogger of the Week

I'm in London, recovering after a flight over here on my own with the Boys on Friday, and yesterday's Cybermummy event in Earl's Court. This is a British Mummy Blogger of the week post, I promise, but first two other things...

1. Friday's noteable quote came from Boy #2 on the plane, when he was introducing me to a four-year old flame-haired almond-eyed temptress who had ensnared him in a game of mutual tongue sticking out and tummy flashing. (She started it. I swear). Once the courtship ritual I described above was completed (and is it really so different from what happens when we get older, I wonder?), he decided to introduce me to her. We eyed each other warily, as Boy #2 said "And this, this is my mummy. But her stage name is Clare*."

My stage name? I was torn. Part of me wanted to ask where on earth he heard that expression. And the other part wanted to say "Oh darling. That's not right. My stage name is Potty..."

* Clare is of course not my real name, as you will know if you were actually at yesterday's fabulous Cybermummy event, and which leads me neatly onto the second thing I wanted to note...

2. Whilst there will no doubt be a 'proper post' on my Cybermummy experience on The Potty Diaries in the near future, it's not today. Instead, I just want to say that I am inordinately proud of myself for not running up to any number of the fabulous bloggers that I met in person for the first time yesterday and saying, in true hysterical woman fashion 'I bloody love your blog, I do...'

So. This week's recommended reading. I've decided not to put up an attendee from yesterday as I suspect that anyone who didn't go will be heartily sick of hearing those who did waxing lyrical about it. Instead, I'm going to recommend a relative newcomer to the BMB ning. Belgravia Wife of Belgravia Wives writes of herself:

'Mother of three, have to say, particularly dinky children. Central London resident, baffled by the whole school business - school fees vs. home schooling - let's talk ! Freelance head-hunter- working with clients who have loyally stayed by my side throughout three bouts of baby induced uselessness. Writer - novel coming along - nicely....somewhere else. In fact writing quite a few novels - just not particularly quickly.'

Check out her posts for musings on goats in yurts and living in London - although not at the same time, obviously - and for delicious menu ideas to boot.

(And in the interests of full disclosure, I do actually know Belgravia Wife in real life. But don't hold that against her, please...)

For the British Mummy Bloggers Ning, click here. (And it says 'Mummy', but Dads can be members too...)


  1. It was sooo lovely seeing you again yesterday and well done for your post reading. How did you all manage to sound like true professionals in front of such a big audience? I would have ran miles so well done again xx

  2. It was lovely meeting you in person yesterday. And well done on the reading - you were fabulous.

  3. PHM, good to see you too, and glad the bluff (of being a professional) actually worked...

    DB, great to meet you as well (convent girls always gravitate together eventually, it seems!) and thankyou for being so nice about the reading. I also do weddings and batmitzvahs...

  4. When someone said who you were, I was gobsmacked, cos I thought you was a hologram...

  5. Lovely to meet you and I can only apologise that we were collectively so rubbish at the quiz! Enjoy your new bra and pants :)

  6. Mummy, please tell me you're not suggesting I'm like Rimmer in 'Red Dwarf'...

    HCM, great to meet you too - and I owe you a glass of wine! Hope your trip home went smoothly. All seems so long ago now, doesn't it?

  7. I love Belgravia Wives, I haven't been round for a cuppa for a while so off I trot!


Go on - you know you want to...

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