Wednesday, 25 January 2012

The Gallery; My Photography Resolution

This post is for Week 88 of Tara's Gallery. Click here to see all the other great entries...

When I saw the prompt for this week's Gallery, I have to admit that I struggled a little. Of course I have 'photography resolutions' (that's the prompt, by the way). Getting better at it, would be a good start, as would actually attending a proper course (not without it's logistical issues, that one; living in Russia and not speaking 'technical Russian' would make it a little tricky to do in Moscow). But thinking about it more deeply, there is one resolution that, on reflection, wins out for 2012.

Print. It. Out.

After all, what's the point of taking photo's you love, if all they do is sit in a file somewhere and you never see them?


  1. Brilliant Potty and yes you're totally right, most photos now get left on a computer never to be seen again.
    Lovely shot by the way. Can totally see why it made the cut

  2. Agreed! I love photos and having them on display. It's one of our goals this year in our house too!

  3. Good one. I have plans to do just that this year. Have bigger house now and lots of blank walls to fill.

  4. It is a shame that all of those lovely photos never get printed and just sit in the computer. That is one drawback of our latest technology. The one you hung up on the wall is very nice. It's a good example of why so many of them should be displayed somehow.

  5. Oh I need to copy your resolution, I am terrible at printing out photos. I think our printed pics stop around 1999 when I got a DSLR. It's terrible. I am chanting with you: 'Must print more!'

  6. Tara - thanks, glad you liked it.

    Cupcakes, it's a question of being organised, isn't it? (Not something I often am)

    EP, good luck!

    Nora, thankyou!

    Iota - who isn't?

    BBS - maybe we should start an online campaign! (I'm sure all the printers would be happy to sponsor it...)

  7. you've just reminded me of all the lovely photos i have got of moscow, all tucked away somewhere. it's certainly a beautiful place to photograph. must do something with mine.


Go on - you know you want to...

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