Friday, 25 March 2011

Me, Lady GaGa, and the great age debate

On the way home from school today;

Boy #1: "Lady GaGa is really rich, isn't she?"

Me: " Yes, I suppose she probably is."

Boy #1: "She's a rich, old, woman."

I nearly crash the car. "She's not old! Lady GaGa is younger than I am! Who told you she was old?"

Boy #1: "N did. He said, she's this reeeally old woman."

Boy #2: "How old IS she?"

I take a wild guess. "I don't know... 24 or 25, maybe?"

Horrified intakes of breath from the back seat.

Boy #2: "That's REALLY old... How old are you?"

Me: "I'm 44. Which is much more than Lady GaGa. Does that make me really old too?"

Cue diplomatic silence. Then;

Boy #1: "Maybe her birthday is before yours in the year, Mama. That makes her older thanyou, really..."

I'll go with that.

Note: with sincere apologies to Lady GaGa...


  1. Oh heck I remember when 16 was really really old (the age of my babysitter at the time) now I think 30 is young...I've been forced to think about age too by the Boys they are Sooo delightful about reminding one of how old you are. I told mine I would be 45 this year and The Boy with his newly required maths knowledge remarked I was 9x older than Bog Boy in a shocked voice. And yes there was silence in the car....all the way back home!!!

  2. for some bizarre reason my kids seem to think that every other 'grown up' is old, apart from me. i am not sure whether to feel insulted or flattered...

  3. You mean you did not stop the car and make him get out?

    I applaud you. Far more diplomatic than I would have been.

    LCM x

    p.s. and quite frankly I'd take you over Lady Gaga ANY day, regardless of age!

  4. Eeek. Kids were put on this earth to make us feel oooooold. Fact.

  5. My youngest can't believe Madonna is still alive. At least Madonna is older than I am. By, like six weeks, but still.

  6. Oh, let's not talk about age. For some reason my teens think it's hilarious that I'm old. Like I had any say in the day I was born.


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