Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Hair ; Wk 52 of the Gallery

This week over at Tara's Gallery, the prompt is 'Hair'. I think she was hoping for lots of embarrassing photos of us all with poodle perms and disastrous haircuts. I do have those - by the bucket load (not for nothing was my group of friends occasionally compared to the Hair Bear Bunch at the end of the '80's) - but sadly, they're all in storage. The photos, that is, not the friends.

Instead, I'm going to show just one hair, that ended up on my fingers as I scratched my head puzzling what to use for this post. Although this is by no means my predominant hair-colour, it is also by no means the only one.

Time to visit the colourist, perhaps...


  1. Oh No! Pull one, they all come to the funeral!!!!

  2. I have had grey hair since my early 20s. Hair colouring is a wonderful thing!

  3. it's ok i have greys and i'm 25 LOL xxx

  4. AGH! I have a fair few of those too.

  5. and you expect me, purchaser of hair dye for the last 20 bloody years!!!!, to feel sorry for you why? You pulled ONE!!!!
    Rotten show off :)

  6. i am amazed you managed to photograph a single grey hair so clearly!

  7. Well that was a cop out if ever I saw one. I wanted the big perm, the a-symmetrical bob. Something! Anything!

  8. ISF,so true. I didn't pull this one out though; it was so depressed it simply through itself off my head..

    Jennie - as I think I'm about to find out (although not in Russia)

    Amy, ah but I think there may be mitigating circumstances for you (like, perhaps, number of children?). And I don't believe it, in any case. Never saw a grey hair on your head!

    Milla, I didn't pull it. it committed suicide. (And no, I don't expect pity - one of my girlfriends actually rejoiced when she finally noticed my grey hairs not so long ago... I suggest her contact lens prescription needs updating)

    FM - it's the camera, not any skill on my part!

    PlanB, any good colourists where you are? If I go in Moscow I will end up blonde.

    EPM, if I COULD have shown you those photos, I would. Problem is, they really are all in storage. Really...

  9. I am finding more and more greys. I blame the kids.

  10. Go blond!! I did, and I'm having more fun. At 45!! There is life after going grey (and a little bit white at the front).

    You've reminded me of when I found a grey pubic hair (don't ask me why I was looking) when I was pregnant with my second child and thought what the hell am I doing, I'm way too old and decrepit for this.


Go on - you know you want to...

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