Thursday, 12 March 2015

Marking time

Today I have:

  • Got myself and both boys up and ready for school
  • Acted as referee when Boy #2's antics got too much for his older brother (no children were harmed in the making of this blog post.  My sanity, on the other hand...)
  • Made two school lunches and ensured they actually reached the right backpacks
  • Checked the Boys had the correct musical instruments, sports equipment and homework with them
  • Walked them to school and kissed them goodbye (still allowed to do that - and yes, I know how lucky I am)
  • Spent an hour volunteering at the used uniform exchange
  • Had two stitches removed (ouch)
  • Put away two loads of laundry and washed and hung up another (shoot me now)
  • Arranged a follow-up medical consultation in a different time zone
  • Tidied up my clothes cupboard and drawers, and the same for my children, making sure that Boy#1's outgrown clothes are safely put away for use by Boy #2 in a year or so's time.  (Thank god I don't have children who are fussy about wearing hand-me-downs)
  • Been through various boxes of clothes and selected an embarrassingly large amount to go to charity (and yes, some of them hadn't been out of the box since we arrived in Moscow over 5 years ago.  Oh, the shame.)
  • Eaten lunch.

So tell me; at 1.30pm, why does it feel as if I haven't actually been very productive so far today?


  1. Seriously? You should feel you've done masses - do you have a list you can tick things off? Always makes me feel I have achieved something

  2. Me too, MA - which, I suppose, is why I wrote the blog post. And yes, I have been known to write lists which include jobs I've already completed, just so I can tick them off...(It's the little things)

  3. Well, I think you have, if that's any comfrot. Or comfort. Either.

  4. KnackeredMother16 March 2015 at 21:40

    I do that too! So pleased I am not alone.


Go on - you know you want to...

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