Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Things you never know about blogging...

... until you've been doing it for longer than is perhaps wise.

#1 Your Significant Others will read your posts - and perhaps, just to wind you up, quote them back to you at inopportune moments. I give you Exhibit A, Your Honour.

The Potski Family are on holiday this week, skiing.  Halfway through what was quite a stressful morning of flat light, steep icy slopes, horizontal snow, and zero ski ability on my part due to not being able to see where the hell I was going, and wondering why on earth I had ever thought strapping two boards to my feet and pointing them downhill was a good idea, Husband said "You have snow on your moustache."  Longer term readers of this blog might recognise this as a direct quote from a blog post I wrote a couple of years back, about a similar incident.  

So there I was, stranded on a mountain-side, wondering how on earth I was going to get down it, and now - on top of all those insignifcant 'will I ever make it back to my children alive' worries I was dealing with - also wondering if a) the moustache/snow issue was in the fact the case, b) he was simply referring to my 2 year old blog post in an attempt to lighten the mood take my mind off the situation (in which case, why couldn't he just tell me a joke, for chrissake?) or c) both things were in fact true.

I suspect c). 


  1. I'm with Iota. Did you 'accidentally on purpose' ski over him afterwards?


    LCM x

  2. For shame. Maybe time to start blogging anonymously?

  3. Or,like happens when we are skiing (now) - "MOM, is that going on the blog? "
    Oh yes, boys. (See current post)
    And none of them have even read it! I think if you tell them you're blogging their every move, (which I don't) they just roll their eyes and ignore it all. Mwa ha ha).

  4. I'm more Expat Mum on this one. everywhere we go I stop to take a photo or make a note. My daughter says 'will you blog about this?' I say 'maybe!' And everyone suddenly sits up straighter. ;)

    But still. Iota's also right!

  5. As i'm new to blogging I've not experienced this yet but my partner has certainly been making the odd comment so will be interesting to see how it develops!


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