Wednesday, 1 June 2011

The Gallery: 'I'm grateful for...'

This post is for Week 60 of Tara's Gallery (click here to see the other great entries), and the prompt this week was 'I'm grateful for...'

I'm grateful for so many things, my family being chief amongst those, but I'm not going to change the habit of the last 4 years and show you photos of them. Instead, I'm going to say that I'm grateful - chiefly to my husband - for giving me the chance to come to Moscow as a residential tourist and to be in the position to take photographs like these...

(I'm also grateful that the weather has improved sufficiently for me to be able to take these in the sunshine...)


  1. Beautiful and striking images. Have always wanted to visit.

  2. I didn't realise you didn't show photos of your family- sometimes I wish I didn't but I have started now so there is not much point in stopping! Great photos, one of the best holidays my husband had was to Moscow! x


Go on - you know you want to...

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