Wednesday, 15 June 2011

The Gallery; Dads

This post is for Wk 62 of Tara's Gallery. Click here to see the other entries...

I'm lucky enough to have quite young parents. I was born when they were still practically children; my mother was 23, and my father 25. I can't imagine what they would have said had I gone home at either of those ages and announced that I was even setting up home with someone (looking back, I had neither the maturity nor the experience to do so), let alone that I was going to have a baby. However, times were different back in the 1960's, and they married young, as most of their friends did, and got on with family life; within a year of their wedding, I was born.

Now I'm a mum myself, and even though I didn't get around to that until 13 years later than my mother did, the benefits of having younger parents are still paying off, for me. One of them is that they are still hale and hearty, and that despite my sons' increasing size, my father is still able to make memories for them like this one; being wheeled down through the coombe near Gran and Grandad's house in a wheelbarrow...


  1. A touching photo - the joy of being pushed around in a wheelbarrow is timeless.

  2. That is lovely. My poor old dad still does his best with my 3 and 1 year olds despite arthritic knees and a bad back. He is in his seventies now and can't walk far. I miss the fact that he can't accompany us on outings :( If only he'd let us push HIM in a wheelbarrow!

  3. What a great post and picture... do you think your Dad could push me around in a wheelbarrow though!?

  4. Thats a beautiful photo and lovely words too, thanks for sharing

  5. Beautifully put and photographed, and I bet that the wheelbarrow trips make some great memories.

  6. Hi there,

    A lovely post. I however am very much like your parents, I turn 29 this year, has been married from 22 and had my first at 26. My hubby is 10 years older than me so we had to compromise. It means that my children are lucky to have one set of grandparents that have just turned 50. Although everyone find the 3 under 3 exhausting!

    I just love the photo! x

  7. What a lovely post! Is it wrong that I still love the idea of being pushed around in a wheelbarrow? :p

  8. I love that photograph, who doesn't love being wheeled around in a wheelbarrow? Great post! Emma :)

  9. Lovely lovely photo PM, it's wonderful that they are still young xx

  10. Lovely photo, and so great that the Grandparents are able to do so much with your children. x

  11. Lovely to have Grandad around and yes a benefit of having younger parents. I went on the Grandad theme too over at

  12. What a cool thing to do! I would have loved doing that as a child (still would if I'm honest...)

  13. I love this post. Such a fun take on things. I'd like to be wheeled round in a barrow - can I come and play?!

  14. Lovely picture. Nothing beats a wheelbarrow - and having done a bit of wheeling of the boys last summer, I must say your Dad must be in VERY good shape...


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