Thursday, 22 November 2012

When someone else says it all for you...

Parenting posts.  What's the point, really, when there are videos like this one that already say it all?

(Full disclosure - I happened across this on Facebook today after it was shared by @LauraAWNTYM and @CafeBebe  Thankyou ladies, for brightening a grey November day).


  1. V tempted to do one about parenting teens! Oh yeah. You know it.

  2. KM, thought you might...

    EPM, DO IT DO IT!!!!

  3. Very good. Just one phrase I didn't get...

    "If the milk is free, why buy the cow?"

    Don't know that one. Haven't ever said it to my kids.

  4. Iota - well, I HAVE heard the phrase - but certainly never used to kids...


Go on - you know you want to...

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