Tuesday, 4 October 2011

The Gallery: Colour

This post is for Week 77 of The Gallery over at Sticky Fingers, and the prompt for this week's photo is 'colour'.

Which is ironic, because at the moment in Moscow you can have (to paraphrase Henry Ford's famous saying) any colour you like, as long as it's grey...

Moody enough for you?


OK. Having looked at the fabulous photos over at The Gallery now, I'm feeling a little out of things on the colour front, so I've found a summer photo from our holiday in Croatia just to lighten things up a bit...


  1. That's just about as moody as you can get and how I had imagined Moscow to be.

  2. Well, now, looking on the bright side, those two red-and-white industrial smokestacks add a nice splash of color....interesting location for them, though.

  3. Isn't there somewhere you can drive to for the leaf change?? Can't bear that you don't have the autumnal colours there.. I'll send you some leaves.

    BM x

  4. Nora, ironically it's been beautiful - up until the last few days. No, really!

    MsC, what, you don't have power stations in the middle of Seoul?

    Thanks Spud!

    BM, obviously there is blogger's license involved in that post; I can see leaf change from my window but I knew all you guys back home would be focusing on that aspect, so...

  5. your grey is kind of beautiful! the grey outside my windeow is rainy and blustery and cold but your post reminded me that even on a relatively colourless day, there is much beauty to be seen..

  6. Ditto on the grey in Wellington, NZ, this week (but plenty of blue last week). I went for green - as the spring rains are definitely turning my garden a very lush colour!

  7. Love the perspective of photo #2 - how clever of you to think of taking it from that vantage point!

  8. Now I can really relate to the grey picture. That is Bolton all over!

  9. grey is fine! love the sunny picture full of colour tho :)

  10. Hmm grey - bit like my hometown too! But it definitely fits with my vision of Moscow though I'm sure it's a really lovely place!

  11. Nicely saved Potty, nicely saved!

  12. EHM - there is, but it's sort of easier to find when the sun is shining...

    Sarah, ah, green. Actually my Favourite colour...

    MsC - balconies are wonderful things, aren't they?

    Sarah 3, thankyou!

    GWM, I couldn't possibly comment (my dad being from Lancashire and all!)

    Laura, not sure lovely is the right word, but thankyou in any case!

    Tara, I do my best...

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Lovely contrasting photos.


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