Thursday, 12 July 2007

Oh, I do like to be beside the seaside...

...oh, I do like to be beside the sea,
when the grey clouds loom and the boys can wreck our room,
besides the seaside, besides the sea....

Have just got back from a few days in a hotel en-famille in Dorset. A lovely time was had by all, not excepting the two poo on the sheets incidents, and after I got Boy #1 to thank the receptionist for a lovely time as we left I think we may even be allowed to go back. That is, of course, assuming we want to, given that the weather was gloomy, grey and chilly. Apart from the day we left, which was beautiful. Obviously. It's summer in England.

Am now at home with the husband and kids for a couple of days manically trying to catch up with the washing before we leave again for a similarly action-packed week in Holland visiting family and friends. (Note to self: if anyone - i.e. a well-intentioned husband - suggests a northern Europe summer holiday for next year, counter with a suggestion of a skiing holiday in Wales. Neither work.)

Anyway, on to Potty training...

August 7th 2006

Boy #1 is now in Somerset with my parents and his cousin for the week. Was rather worried how he would take our departure but it was like water off a duck’s back. As usual, I will miss him far more than he will me. On the plus side, as a result the flat is – for once – quite tidy. Amazing how when you have one baby you think it’s hard work – but when you have the second you realise that actually you were living in cloud cuckoo land and that now you will never (never) be in control again… For example, arrived at the hairdressers last Thursday, relatively on time (what’s 10 minutes between friends and when you’re paying 50 quid?), quite proud of myself for getting there at all actually, only to have my hairdresser admire the baby sick on the neck of my t-shirt that I’d missed in my pre-departure check… Of course I apologised profusely, when what I wanted to say was: ‘Hell, if I’m fully dressed and without a black bra under a white shirt isn’t that enough for you?’ Have a feeling I may be setting the bar too low these days…

Potty training – not sure. Left the Thomas pants with mum & dad but don’t think they will actually make any attempt to introduce them, based purely on the fact that in their house it takes a while to reach the loo which could be disastrous for their carpets when (not if) accidents happen.

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