Thursday, 6 February 2014

The suspense is killing me...

I've posted before about the fact that I'm writing a novel.  The 'Great Work', as I affectionately and optimistically call it, has been in progress for longer than I care to remember, but finally - FINALLY - I am nearing the end (of the first draft, you understand).

Unsurprisingly, when I mention to people that I'm writing a book, their immediate assumption is that it's chick-lit, or something like it.  Shoes, shopping, expat life, Woman in not so severe Crisis, that sort of thing.  However, it's rather different to that.

I am writing what I have been informed is a 'suspense genre' novel, with a protaganist who is a scruffy 30 year old man rather than a willowy 40-something brunette based loosely on myself, or Juliette Binoche.  (Because, you know, in a certain light...)  And rather than doing the sensible thing and putting a plan on paper before I started, I have allowed the story to grow organically.  The characters have taken shape almost by themselves, rather than sticking to any pre-planned format that I created.

It's been an interesting process, not least because I didn't know at the beginning how the story was going to end.  There's just one problem.

I am within a few thousand words of finishing the first draft - and I still don't know how it's going to end.

Like I said, the suspense is killing me...


  1. Sounds fab! Is it set in Moscow. Would love to know more about everyday Moscow life. Good luck and can't wait to read it.

  2. Very cool! Well done. I have the opposite thing - I know what my ending is but I can't figure out how to get there. Sigh.

  3. Kind of like life then. You make it up as you go along.

  4. Exciting! I have a new idea for a book (I have put the last one in a drawer). I know how it starts. I know how it ends, it is the huge bit in the middle that is alluding me.

  5. Sorry that should be eluding. early morning...

  6. I have always been in awe of people who can write without knowing where the story is going to go. Amazing. How do you keep track of what's happening???

  7. I'm a bit of a pantser when it comes to plotting as well. I have a murder mystery with three potential murderers and I'm resigning myself to the fact I might have to write three different endings since the characters aren't telling me whodunnit.

    Stick with it though, you've got this far!

  8. I'm sure the fact that you don't know will come through and make the read that much better. More like real life and a real mystery, where things unfold at their own pace instead of planned according to an outline.

  9. Good luck! It sounds great, and I'm sure it doesn't matter that you don't know the ending yet - I'm certain I've heard great writers being interviewed who don't know how their books are going to end.


Go on - you know you want to...

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