Thursday, 19 September 2013

Look at me...

Look at me.
Here in my lovely Expat Life.
Hot and cold running Help, edgy experiences enriching my outlook.
My children adapting to challenging situations, becoming world citizens, learning new languages.
We holiday in interesting places, and find friends from fascinating lands.
Look at me.
Aren't I lucky?

Look at me.
Here in my lovely Expat Life.
Struggling to make myself understood when buying travel tickets, or when doing the shopping.
Watching, frustrated, whilst workmen make changes to our home that seem unnecessary,
But which I don't have the vocabulary to challenge.
Look at me.
Aren't I lucky?

Look at me.
Here in my lovely Expat Life.
Relegated to the position of observer of what's going on Back Home.
Skyping family or old friends at a get-together I can't reach..
Feeling that my words of comfort to those who suffer are empty without an accompanying embrace.
Look at me.
Aren't I lucky?

Look at me.
Here in my lovely Expat Life.
Blind-sided by the unexpected departure of good friends mid-term..
Hurting for my kids as they say goodbye to a best buddy for the third time in as many years.
Hurting for myself as I do the same.
Look at me.
Aren't I lucky?

Look at me.
Here in my lovely Expat Life.
Picking my child up from the floor when they fall.
Looking worriedly at the corner of the table that their head hit as they came down.
Knowing that the nearest English-speaking ER is an hour and a half away through the traffic.
Look at me.
Aren't I lucky?


  1. Oh dear. I can't really imagine the stress of not being able to speak the lingo. You're very brave for attempting though. xx

  2. This all strikes a chord. Did you make it to the A&E?

  3. hang in there. It must be horrid sometimes. just remember that one day when you are far away from it all, it will be remembered as a grand adventure even though the reality of living through it can be crappy at the time. xx

  4. I have never lived the expat life, so my sympathy to you is given in awe - I hope that you get the moments of the good mixed in enough for it not to wear you too thin.

  5. I totally get where you're coming from. It's hard to explain to friends the frustrations and anxieties of living abroad when they can only see the positives of it. Keep your chin up!

  6. I needed to hear that Melissa! Thank you!

  7. All you say is true - as is Melissa's statement- my mum still looks at our expat years as some of the best of her life - with a few exceptions. Of all the scary things about living in a foreign country, being ill has to be at the top of the list. MrL was kept overnight at a local hospital for observations after a minor procedure, and even though he felt fine and we knew there was nothing serious, the whole thing was terribly stressful - even more so when a child is involved. Quite a bit of it is perspective, too. There are times when I absolutely love my expat life - and other times when I hate it. I suppose in that way we aren't any different from the folks who have stayed in their passport countries. I'm sure having Mr Potty travel(l)ing so much can't help either. Hope the injury turned out to be not too serious - or that traffic was magically light for you. Please keep us posted. xx


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