Friday, 16 October 2009

Notes to Self #799

Note a):

Sometimes, when a care label on a wool/angora sweater says 'handwash', handwash is what it means. Not, for example, putting it in the machine on a short cold cycle, unless you want to spend the next day or so picking pieces of grey wool out of any subsequent washing. And off the floor.

Buy new sweater. Empty the Dyson vacuum cleaner of pieces of soft grey wool.

Note b):
It doesn't matter how cute Boy #2 looks when he falls asleep on the sofa before bed-time. Now he's not in night nappies, it's always best to wake him up and put him on the loo before he crawls under the duvet.

Find a clear slot in the washing rota to wash a complete set of bedding, duvet included. Buy Febreze for the mattress. Get to bed early tonight to negate the effect of previous night spent with small boy kicking, rolling around, and demanding you find his cuddle blanket (located under his pillow) at 3am.


  1. That happened to my favourite jumper, and I couldn't even complain because it was my husband who had done the washing, and, well, gratitude is really the only possible option then.

  2. Surely they can invent a washing machine that could really do a gentle handwash - please !

  3. you are spot on, pm. i can never be bothered to handwash either; and i always use the cold washing machine option. and i agree. it doesn't really work.

    here, it's the fault of the garment that came to live with me. if it comes here, it just has to take a chance along with the rest of us.

  4. I wish they would invent a washing machine that would just spit out what shouldn't be in there before you turn it on!!
    I lose/color/ruin something everyday because of that silly machine!!!

  5. I assume you do have a plastic protective cover for boy #2's mattress. You do, right, PM?

  6. Mwa - horror! There's no coming back from that, you're right...

    MaM - they probably have. It just doesn't happen to be our 8 year old Miele...

    Grit, you know that attitude makes perfect sense. Unless, of course, it's you favourite jumper - like this one was mine, blast it.

    EL, annoying, isn't it?

    Irene, I do, of course I do. It's just that it was in the wash (and the spare was on his brother's bed after an unfortunate recent incident). Murphy's law...

  7. Oh PM Murphy will catch you out every time ;-)

    I do not have many provisos when clothes buying but the presence of that HANDWASH label stops me in my tracks. Life's too short, I don't care how wonderful the garment is, if it can't go in the machine I don't want it.


Go on - you know you want to...