Friday, 5 June 2009

Daddy cool?

The Potty Diaries is unashamedly a 'mummy' blog. 

It's mine, mine, all mine, but every now and again 'the Daddy' does get a mention.  In spite of the fact that he features on this blog only when he's on best or worst behaviour, in reality he's always there - even if often from long distance - and it strikes me that I don't often acknowledge this. I sometimes wonder if he feels a little uninvolved on the rare occasions that he checks in here, with The Potty Diaries' tales of small boys and their harrassed mum, and only the odd guest appearance from him. There are probably hundreds of men out there who might feel the same, watching their partners tap tap tapping away on the keyboard, recording and commenting on daily life, rewriting history (at least in my case) with themselves as the star...  (I'm ready for my close up, Mr Demille.  Or I will be when I've tidied away the toys, straightened the duvets, done the shopping & laundry, scraped the dried-on peas off the floor and got back from the school run)

But it's Father's Day soon, and here's a chance to show them that we do care  (despite regular complaints about tissues in shirt pockets shedding all over the rest of the laundry, or wish-lists that include dirty plates and used coffee cups actually making it into the dishwasher rather than just lurking plaintively on the kitchen top...).  Tara at My Child e-mailed to tell me about a competition she's running to show much dads are appreciated.  She writes:

'I’ve set up a Dad of the Year competition which encourages mums and kids to write in to us with reasons they think their dad should win the Dad of the Year award. Ten winners then get a Kodak video camera to keep and can make a short video of what makes their dad the best dad in the world – the best judged entry then wins an all expenses  trip to Orlando, Florida (worth £2500!).'

If you or your children would like to enter, click here to take you through to the relevant page on the My Child site.  And good luck!


  1. I poor husband. I don't mention how great he is very often. The other day he cooked dinner for me, cleaned the house and gave me time for a nap. My mom said "you should write a blog post about him!" she knew that was one place I could brag about him a little.

  2. you straighten the duvets? You domestic goddess.

    Great post, you are so right. Dads need more recognition. I know Dave doesn't get enough acknowledgement for all he does and for how much the kids can't wait for him to get home.

  3. But somehow I never get round to that, Lisa.

    Hi there Brit, I'm hoping that if I keep straightening the duvet's my sons will learn to do it themselves. I'm kidding myself, obviously.

  4. I often feel that hubby doesn't get mentioned enough! Glad I'm not the only one who always finds tissues in the laundry! x


Go on - you know you want to...