Sunday, 17 May 2009

British Mummy Blogger of the Week

It's Sunday morning, Husband is travelling, it's pouring with rain, and the Boys are rampaging through the flat destroying everything in their path like a troup of army ants in a vegetable patch. What better way to distract myself from all this than by telling you about the latest British Mummy Blogger of the Week?

But before I start, let's recap. Last week I had to choose one blogger from a total of 235. And this week? Well, I know A Modern Mother is running a membership drive this month, and it's lovely that she's been so successful, but really, guys (and ladies). 255? TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY FIVE? Who knew there were so many parent bloggers out there?

Any moment now this blogging lark is going to catch on...

So I took a look at - aka stuck a metaphorical pin in - the list of members and looked at some home pages. Just like last week, it was impossible to know where to start. But then my eye was caught by the following blurb:

'Mothership is a former pop star, singer, composer, and writer from London, England, who was abducted by aliens (a German one who promised chocolates and a cleaning lady) and brought to southern California to live in a small town by the sea.
She has two children, an absent-minded husband and is very sad that she no longer has a cat.
She is fond of commas and cups of tea.
She rarely writes in the third person but is making an exception in this case.'

Mothership also lives in Santa Barbara and recently had to leave her home to the mercy of the flames (which thankfully never made it that far); not only then are we bringing you posts from an ex-popstar, but you get frontline drama and domestic disputes in the face of the inferno.


To check out the British Mummy Bloggers Ning, click here. (Note: It's called 'Mummy', but we're not fussy. Dads can be members too!)


  1. Great blog. The latest entry on saying goodbye to four is beautiful. Now subscribed ;0)

  2. Chocolate AND a cleaning lady. She has a point.

  3. Chocolate AND a cleaning lady. She has a point.

  4. Thanks for picking me! Feel most honoured. Husband did come through on the cleaning lady but have to get my own chocolate most of the time. Still, can't have everything..
    Need to update my bio, though as we now have a new cat!

  5. Great post and good to see the site being publicised, it really is a great site!

  6. OMG, thanks for the comment!

    Iota, agreed. Twice...

    Motherhood, well deserved, and I did wonder on the cat.

    Mel, I agree, it is a great blog.


Go on - you know you want to...