Thursday, 27 September 2007


Am steeling myself to take the boys for a haircut before the end of the week.

I remember the last time I took them, I saw the woman’s face fall when we walked in. Not that Boy #1 is difficult at the hairdresser’s or anything like that. I remember his first visit to the barbers aged around 1 year; in fact, I think the whole neighbourhood remembers it. So normally (well, who am I kidding, usually. No, always) I give in to bribery and placate him with a chocolate lolly (and then a chupa chup – nothing like a sugar rush to keep kids occupied, I find), and he just about tolerates it – albeit with a lot of grumbles and mumbles under his breath. (It rather reminds me of my dad when he has to get into black tie).

Boy #2 – thank god – is much more equable and usually watches his brother misbehave with a questioning look on his face. He's probably wondering ‘when do I get to be rewarded for making such a fuss?'

Potty Training: Thursday 31st August 2006

I don’t really know what to say about my experience with Boy #1 this morning.

He announced that he wanted to sit on the loo after breakfast rather than any of his other assorted potties, so I settled myself in for a long session of ‘3 little pigs’ (he demands stories when he’s on the loo, particularly that one for some reason. Hope that in years in to come it doesn’t act as a subliminal trigger; he may find himself in difficulties when he reads to his children).

However, instead of asking for his usual entertainment he wanted to hold my hands and proceeded to pull on them whilst he had a poo. I didn’t know quite where to look… and was trying desperately not to laugh and break his concentration. Is this how midwives feel? (Am reminded of when I was in labour - both times - and produced poo rather than a baby for what seemed like the longest time. It’s perfectly natural, apparently. But I didn’t know this at the time, and my embarrassment was made much worse by the fact that NOBODY MENTIONED IT. We all knew it was there, but no-one could quite bring themselves to admit it… Sorry – have I grossed those of you who haven’t had this experience out?)

Anyway, back to Boy #1. Of course the end result was a poo in the toilet, which only a month ago was something I never thought I’ld see, so should be grateful for that. But have to ask myself; is this hand-holding something I’m going to have to keep doing, and for how long? And if so, is he going to demand the same service of his teachers at nursery? Could be embarrassing at parents evening…

And finally; where on earth did he learn the trick of it?


  1. oh dear, the hand holding is rather strange! never mind the 3 little pigs, holding hands is a worrying development!
    well done for not laughing!

  2. Dear PITK,
    all will be revealed (the advantage of a retrospective blog, thank heavens), but must admit I was very puzzled and rather worried at the time. I particularly didn't want to imagine the gossip in the nursery staff-room if he had asked them to oblige too...

  3. As long as neither you nor your husband demands a similar service from the teachers when you meet them, you'll be fine.

  4. Now that would bring a whole new facet of entertainment to parent's evening. Thanks Omega - you made me crack up!


Go on - you know you want to...